October, October, October

Hi guys! Sorry I haven’t posted in a while.

I have once again had an up and down time doing Slimming World. Last week I had a gain of 1lb, which I know is not a lot but still has put me down. It is also star week so the gain could have been down to that or my week of up and down eating. I was a bit gutted on Wednesday because when tracking my food on MyFitnessPal, my average calorie count was just under 1400 calories per day. I know, I know I shouldn’t track my calories whilst doing slimming world, but I do it to ensure that I am not eating too much of the wrong things. I felt cheated in a way, I felt it was unfair which is silly; and as a result I have been eating more than ever. For example, on Friday whilst stuck in traffic I ate 3 Rocky Road Hifis on the trot. I felt so bad afterwards and knew straight away it wasn’t worth it. Anyway rant over, I have put this week behind me and am focused again, 8.5lbs till target!

Its a big weekend for my boyfriend Laurence and I. We have decided to live together this year whilst he completes his uni degree. Although we aren’t getting our own place and I’m moving into his house with his family aswell; we will save so much money for the future, and have even discussed going travelling around America next year.

I have decided to set some goals for October, but they will not all be focused on weightloss due to it being my birthday on the 15th.

1. Get my 3.5 stone award

2. Maintain my 3.5 stone award by making sensible food choices around my birthday meals and alcohol fuelled nights.

3. Sort out mine and Laurence’s room so we can be comfy and happy.

4. Save as much money as possible!

Anyway! Its Sunday night and I have school early in the morning. I have to shower and sort myself out ready for tomorrow. I hope you are all having a great week and good luck at all of your weigh ins xx

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